
ScanPyramids-Scientist: „More anomalies found within the Great Pyramid of Giza“

The position of the „Big Void“ discovered within the Great Pyramid of Giza (Illu.).
Copyright: ScanPyramids Mission

In the face to the controversy about the importance of the latest discovery of a „big void“ above the so-called Grand Gallery within the Great Pyramid of Giza (also referred to as the Pyramid of Khufu), Andreas Müller, editor the leading German on Frontier Science „“ (GreWi), talked exclusively with one of the scientific leaders of the ScanPyramids-Project, HIP-Institute’s founder and president Mehdi Tayoubi about the discovery, the controversy and the next steps in the investigation of the pyramid.

Grenzwissenschaft-Aktuell (GreWi): Mr. Tayoubi, the discovery you and your colleagues describe in the „Nature“ journal seems to have caused quite some issues, especially with some members of the Egyptian ministry of antiquity and with Mr. Zahi Hawass, who both seem to disagree with about the importance of this discovery (…as reported by GreWi here)?

Mehdi Tayoubi: There is no issue as Egyptologists are not specialized in Physics and the strength of our discovery is that it has been validated by three different teams from renown institutions.

Mehdi Tayoubi

Our discovery has been recognized by the ministry of Antiquities. We need constructive debates with each disciplines respecting the others and this is how we can manage innovation and make progress.

GreWi: Reading the „Nature“-paper you make it both clear that you do not claim to know the purpose and function of the discovered „large cavity“ and that you are therefore also careful not to call it a „chamber“, „gallery“ or something specific. But at the same time I am sure we all seem to understand that a cavity that big – comparable to the size of the „Grand Gallery“ resembles a major feature of the pyramid that was unknown until know? Can you please elaborate on this?

Tayoubi: We just say it is an unexpected Big Void with same size characteristics as the Grand Gallery, with 30m meters minimum. We don’t know its slope and we must continue to investigate as we did for the ScanPyramids North Face corridor for which we gave more details last week too.

GreWi: Would you also please comment on a personal remark of mine, when I say that that I find it quite irritating that the discovery of such a large cavity within one of the most famous ancient and still mysterious buildings gets kind of downplayed by people in charge for the Egyptian heritage?

Tayoubi: Please let me clarify this: The ministry of antiquities is supportive as the Minister himself, Dr. Khaled Al-Anany called it an important discovery and thanked the ScanPyramids-team (…as reported by GreWi here). We need now architecture specialists to make their home work and to discuss with us. The discovery is there.

Zahi Hawass is leading a consultative committee of Egyptologists but is not responsible for Egyptian heritage. In science anyone can raise doubts. But what is interesting above all is about constructive debates with references, work, simulations, hypotheses etc. It takes time.

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GreWi: What will be the next steps from the side of ScanPyramids? Do you see a chance to somehow access the void or to find out more about it with non-invasive methods?

Tayoubi: We now need a better understanding of ScanPyramids Big Void and we are going to achieve this by the use of other muography devices in other places within and outside the pyramid.

GreWi: After this work, is there a chance for other still unknown structures like voids, chambers, corridors etc. within the Great Pyramid?

Tayoubi: This is only the beginning. The potential is enormous and we found other anomalies that deserves more data acquisition and analysis before any communication.

GreWi: Mr. Tayoubi, many thanks for your kind information.


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Andreas Müller
Fachjournalist Anomalistik | Autor | Publizist
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Andreas Müller

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