First University to recognize UAP/UFO-research as legitimate object of academic research

Wuerzburg (Germany) – For the first time in history, the topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), previously referred to as UFOs, has been officially recognized as a legitimate object of academic research at a high-profile western university.
The (German) press release by the Julius Maximilian University of Wuerzburg (JMU) explains:
„The Interdisciplinary Research Center for Extraterrestrial Science (IFEX) is an interdisciplinary scientific institute of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the JMU. It was founded with the aim of intensifying and institutionalizing cooperation between the people and institutions involved.
Its members develop technologies to explore space, objects in our solar system, stars and galaxies. They also keep an eye open for signs of extraterrestrial life and extraterrestrial intelligence. Since January 25, 2022, research into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) has also been one of the official goals of the center.
Today, the JMU’s senate approved a corresponding extension of the IFEX statute.”
„We would like to promote the UAP-research branch into an interdisciplinary framework, carry out our own projects and seek cooperation with relevant institutions and authorities, such as the Max Planck Society, the German Aerospace Center, the Federal Aviation Office or the German Weather Service”, says IFEX chairman Hakan Kayal, professor of aerospace engineering at JMU. Prof. Hakan Kayal (see image left, JMU) has been involved with UAP-research for a long time. Just a few weeks ago, he installed a new camera system on the Hubland Campus in Wuerzburg, which is intended to detect unknown celestial phenomena using artificial intelligence methods.
The step of including the UAP/UFO topic into the research canon of a German university or academic-scientific institution represents a paradigm shift in the previous handling of these phenomena – not only in Germany but world-wide. While there have been previous minor projects embedded into the one or the other university project, course, research or lecture, it is the first time ever, that a western major university has officially recognized UAP as a full and legitimate topic and object of academic research.
With his research work on UAP/UFOs, Prof. Kayal has been doing pioneering work in academic UAP-research in Germany, as no other German university has been dedicated to this research field so far. Even the renowned German research institutions have so far not officially conducted any UFO-research. This field is „not a topic for basic research“, a spokesman for the Max Planck Society told journalist and author Müller Andreas Müller when he asked for a statement for his latest 452 pages bestselling book „Deutschlands UFO-Akten – Über den politischen Umgang mit dem UFO-Thema in Deutschland” (Germany’s UFO-files – On the political handling of the UFO phenomenon in Germany). Also the German Aerospace Center (DLR) explained that „there is no need to undertake such (research) activities“.