
After Theft: Crop Circle Exhibition 2018 looks for Supporters

„Crop Circle Exhibition & Information Centre 2018“ from July 1st to August 12, 2018 at the Honeystreet Mill Café, neat Alton Barnes, Wiltshire (UK).


Honeystreet (Great Britain) – Launched in 2014 as the world’s first exhibition on the phenomenon and research of crop circles in a natural science museum – the “Crop Circle Exhibition & Information Centre” – has found its home this year in the new spacious Honeystreet Mill Café, near Alton Barnes in Wiltshire. After a burglary into the winter storage of the exhibition and the theft of important parts of the exhibition and technical equipment, the exhibition organisers ask crop circle enthusiasts now via crowdfunding for support for the coming summer.

The burglary (…read more about it here) into the winter storage-rooms was noticed a few weeks ago, when the exhibition was to be transported to their new home. High-quality exhibits and panels as well as technical equipment such as digital photo- and video-frames, cameras, headphones and video projector were stolen. „The total loss was in excess of 5.000 British Pounds (about 6.700 US-Dollar),“ reports Monique Klinkenbergh, who had curated and designed the exhibition together with crop circle researcher Andreas Müller originally for the cultural-historical „Wiltshire Museum“ in Devizes (… GreWi reported). Since then they expanded und supplemented the annual summer exhibition in Wiltshire.

The exhibition’s organizer Monique Klinkenberg who also curated the exhibition together with Andreas Müller.
Copyright: A. Müller,

„The exhibition itself was always meant as a self-financed and self-sustained non-profit information and educational project“, explains Müller. „While previous exhibitions have been a visitor’s success and had already set a visitor’s record in 2014 for the Wiltshire Museum, otherwise known for its original archaeological finds from ancient Stonehenge (… GreWi reported), they always left a financial four-figure loss every year to compensate. Therefore the current theft caused a painful gap.“
For this reason, the exhibition organizers and their numerous volunteers now turn to all crop circle friends who would like to financially support the exhibition with a private crowdfunding campaign:
„On the website of the exhibition, there is a donation-button and if you donate 10 GBP (about 13 US-Dollar) or more, you will receive a copy of the ‚Exhibition at Home‘ – your digital edition of the Crop Circle Exhibition, featuring all the (updated) information panels of our previous exhibitions.“

Some compiled thumbnails of the „digital version of the crop circle exhibition“, which supporters receive as a small thank-you-gift.


„Every little support is a great help to us“ conclude Klinkenbergh and Müller and thank all supporters in advance.

– If you want to support the „Crop Circle Exhibition & Information Center“ please visit its website HERE


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Andreas Müller
Fachjournalist Anomalistik | Autor | Publizist
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Andreas Müller

Fachjournalist Anomalistik• Sachbuchautor • Publizist

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